Human vs. AI: Who will ultimately win the content creation battle?

OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, which debuted in November, has quickly become a viral sensation especially in the field of content creation. GPT-4, the language model that powers the latest version of ChatGPT, has been popping up more and more frequently as the real author behind content generated for myriad wide-ranging audiences.  But is AI really ready to render content writers obsolete by generating high-quality content at the click of a button?

To explore this question, we decided to jump on the AI bandwagon and asked ChatGPT to contribute to the blog this week.  Specifically, we asked ChatGPT to “write an article on the dangers of autonomous driving vehicles.”  In response, ChatGPT generated the below content in less than 10 seconds:

Autonomous driving vehicles have been touted as the future of transportation, promising to make our roads safer, reduce traffic congestion, and improve overall efficiency. However, despite their potential benefits, autonomous driving vehicles also come with their fair share of risks and dangers.

One of the most significant dangers of autonomous driving vehicles is the potential for software malfunctions or errors. Autonomous driving vehicles rely on complex software systems to operate, and any malfunction or error could lead to catastrophic consequences. For example, if a self-driving car fails to detect a pedestrian or misinterprets a traffic signal, it could result in a serious accident.

Another danger of autonomous driving vehicles is their susceptibility to hacking and cyber attacks. Since these vehicles are connected to the internet, they are vulnerable to cybercriminals who could exploit any weaknesses in their systems to take control of the vehicle or compromise its data. A cyber attack on an autonomous driving vehicle could lead to a loss of control or a crash, putting passengers and other road users at risk.

Moreover, autonomous driving vehicles could create new ethical dilemmas that we are not yet equipped to handle. For example, if a self-driving car is faced with a situation where it must choose between two potentially fatal outcomes, such as hitting a pedestrian or crashing the car, how should it decide? These kinds of ethical dilemmas are difficult for humans to navigate, let alone machines.

In addition, there is the issue of legal liability. In the event of an accident involving an autonomous driving vehicle, who is responsible? Is it the vehicle manufacturer, the software developer, the vehicle owner, or the passenger? As the law currently stands, it is unclear who bears the legal responsibility in such cases, which could lead to lengthy and costly legal battles.

Finally, there is the danger that autonomous driving vehicles could exacerbate existing social inequalities. Since autonomous driving technology is expensive, it is likely that it will only be accessible to the wealthy, further dividing society into those who can afford the latest technology and those who cannot. Furthermore, autonomous driving vehicles could also lead to job losses in industries such as transportation, which could disproportionately affect low-income workers.

In conclusion, while autonomous driving vehicles hold great promise for the future of transportation, they also come with significant risks and dangers. As we continue to develop and refine this technology, we must also consider and address these potential dangers to ensure that autonomous driving vehicles are as safe and beneficial as possible for all members of society.

Although the above content was accurate, it also was very basic—in other words, it hit the top-level points of the AV debate, but it definitely did not capture any nuance.  Our experiment with GPT-4 revealed that it didn’t really add much substantive value or new insight; rather, it simply regurgitated ideas and observations that have already circulated extensively on the internet.  Because of AI’s current inability to genuinely simulate true human insight, interpretation, and analysis, our verdict is AI cannot outperform human content creators. At least not yet.

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Copyright Nelson Niehaus LLC

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